Sequel LIFT Desks

Standing is the new Sitting

For several years now, there has been much talk around the health hazards of sitting all day, everyday. As a result, standing, or better yet, convertible sit-stand desks have hit the market. Not all standing desks are created equal, however.  The BDI Sequel collection has recently introduced an extraordinary sit-stand desk that will enhance any office environment, be it corporate, home and everything in between. Read on for more info.


Monika - Luonto

Functional, Stylish and Eco-Friendly: Luonto

We are excited to announce that we are now supplying Luonto products from Finland; contract quality sofas and sofa beds, perfect for hotel guest rooms or private residences. We strive to partner with manufacturers who are environmentally conscious and long-standing, family owned Luonto certainly fits the bill.


Sequel Lifestyle Office - BDI

Going Green with BDI

At Chairs101 and Industrial Revolution, we have been making every effort to source products with strong green initiatives and a commitment to environmental sustainability.  Our partnership with BDI and their revolutionary office lines is a testament to this. Read on for BDI CEO Bill Becker’s statement on their green initiatives, and contact us for more information on how to acquire these incredible products in your corporate office.


Totally Rad and Totally Retro Games Tables

New products for fall include these incredible retro style games tables, with which I am currently obsessed. I can picture any one (or all!) of them in a wide variety of pub, bar or brewery settings and despite the antique look, they will completely withstand high volume, commercial use.  Read on for specs and more!



Twist Productions

At Chairs101, we try to support Canadian companies as much as we can and Twist Productions is an excellent example of high quality and contract viable, Canadian-made products. 


Brynlee Comfort Sleeper Sofa - Swap - American Leather

This is not a sofa bed.

Your guests shouldn’t have to compromise the experience of their hotel stay because of a poorly constructed sofa bed.  The Comfort Sleeper from American Leather ensures all of your guests sleep restfully, and with multiple design choices available your guest room won’t sacrifice style.